Personal Staff Reflections

Post date: 05-Sep-2009 16:41:36

Since being in Baghdad, I have had a staff of four Iraqis. Two women and two men. One of the men had to quit due to the safety situation here. He had to commute over an hour one way each day and there was too much risk for him to continue, especially after the bombing.

Today I decided to meet with each of the remaining three to give them my gratitude for helping me perform some amazing work the past 35 days. I expressed to each one the importance of treating everyone the same in a work place so that when the time comes for difficult decisions, they could proceed with a clear conscience. Many operate in tangles of friendships at work and since humans many times show their humanity, it creates some sticky situations. There have been examples where I have limited information or solutions across the board. The staff has been there to see it and they have learned its value.

More personally I have shared the success of our accomplishment so that they understand teamwork and hard work results in the pride of success. Regardless of the acknowledgement from others, I have attempted to help them see the value in having good relationships within the department so that they can trust one another.

Each one stressed their appreciation for the way I have been able to impact them and help them to learn more clearly their role in accounting. My management style is to expect and require those in positions to actually work and not to micromanage. You get the absolute best out of people when you release the bounds of control from them and allow them to try. Sure mistakes will happen, however you will create a bond that will result in an ally for life. Allys help get things done and they will survive tough times.

Each told me they hope I return so that they can continue to learn. It was a wonderful, tender moment that confirmed the rightness of my decision to come here. I can only hope others can experience things like this because it helps one grow.